"I AM The True Vine"
To be in Christ, one must be attached to the vine. Bearing fruit is the evidence of that attachment.
15:1–17 This allegory is at the heart of Jesus’s farewell discourse to the disciples. The OT used the vineyard or vine as a symbol for Israel, God’s covenant people, especially in two “vineyard songs” (Is 5:1–7; 27:2–6). However, Israel’s failure to produce fruit resulted in divine judgment. Jesus, by contrast, is the true vine, and his followers are to remain in him and produce much fruit for God.
God made every provision for his people to be a blessing to the world, as he had promised (cf. Gen. 12:1–3). wild grapes. Another possible translation is “stinking” or “sour” grapes, conveying the bad taste of wild grapes in contrast to the sweetness of the cultivated kind.